Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our Plan Isn't Working

Our combo cable-phone-internet package is just the thing that seems too good to be true.  Although at first it seems very convenient, you find out only too soon that the cable company bit off more than it could chew.  All too often, either the cable box, the phone line, the internet, or any combination thereof, decide to not work.

I've come to the conclusion that this is all some elaborate plot on the part of the cable company...however, the goal they are trying to achieve at this point still eludes me.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

An Anatomical Study: Guinea Pigs

As a first job, I worked at a pet store for several summers, and after hours upon hours of laborious observation, I've come to the conclusion that pets ought to have a completely different descriptive vocabulary for their actions and anatomy than human beings.

Case Study 1: Guinea Pigs