Saturday, November 6, 2010

History: A Retrospective.

As a student at a university dedicated to higher education, I can understand the theoretical importance of history.  It is a good idea to look at the past and learn from pervious mistakes, then be able to apply this learning experience to real life situations.

However, given the current state of the economy, the government, and my life in general, I sometimes wonder how much value we place on history as a society in contrast to how much value we get out of studying it at college...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ode to an Orange

Oh orange, you are so voluptuous and orange-y colored.
Your wrapping is so plump,
And your white, spongy pulp is disgusting.
If we mixed you with a peach we would get a fuzzy navel.
Oh orange, you are as cute as a large, orange, citrus-y button.
