Thursday, December 16, 2010

GPA’s: To Stress Or Not To Stress…

At this point in my life, probably the biggest cause of stress is anxiety about grades.  We all hear tales of the mythical honor student who double majored in Business and Engineering with a 4.0 GPA, and then there are the rest of us who struggle with the tedious core curriculum classes.  In academia, so much emphasis is placed on the grade that people will go to almost any length to get that A+.

In hindsight, this seems kind of funny.  Five years down the road, your future boss probably won’t care how you became an insomniac, pill popping, energy-drink-addicted hermit just to get an A in your Calculus II class.

In fact, your future boss will probably say something along the lines of “they hand out A’s like doggie treats nowadays,” making you question your entire life’s beliefs in ethics, moral integrity, and any ounce of honor you ever had in yourself.